Friday, February 12, 2010

McQueen retrospective

Looks like it might be an interesting issue. We'll see I haven't been über impressed with marie claire
recently. Mostly bad graphic design and not to much reflecting on the editors taste. The prestigious
magazine in my option feels inconsistent but either way I'm happy its still around and I know it will
turn around with something "iconic" or just ground breaking soon. If GQ can do it Marie Claire can def
do it.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The McQueen has fallen

What a tragedy. This is the loss of an icon. A true thinker challenger and a just talented talented human being. I cannot put into words the feeling of shock at the loss of such a talented person as Alexander Mcqueen.

He was truely one of the most modern interesting talented designers to change fashion ever. A true genius.

Spring RTW and below are slideshow images

Something New...

Interview Magazine introduces its ipad platform version View Here

Its no mystery that the editorial world needs a boost. But. is the ipad going to be an extension of the magazine era, or the demise.

I think that this device is an interesting idea and venture for those whom are obsessed with the new, and next best thing. If you take a step back though, where is the archive-ability? This one device seems to negate an entire industry, photography and editorial writing. Its so easy to just immediately be distracted when reading an article, unlike sitting and reading a physical magazine, by rating, tweeting, facebooking, etc that I feel this has such a limited scope on where the industry is.

Magazines are a venue, they are an extension and an exhibition space for art. Art being defined as writing, photography, graphic design, this cannot be the driving force to end all that with just one machine. Even if the consumer world buys into it, I believe and hope that physical editorials will continue to exist and exhibit simply because of these values. Can magazines be so shallow now to dare to think otherwise?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

IT'S:MY:TIME - Benetton Global Casting - Deungyong from André Amaral on Vimeo.

IT'S:MY:TIME - Benetton Casting Call - Andrea from André Amaral on Vimeo.

Interesting casting call for all you Beneton Hopefuls, but you better have a story and a personal style...looks like someone is taking after Dove...The second guy is so sweet though!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Robert Hamada for POP Magazine

Take a view at this video a friend directed for POP magazine.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Amsterdam Fashion Week

A few of my selects from the few days I spent backstage and in front of the house observing the local designers showcase.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Hurry up! Fantasticman and deliver to us the Gentlewoman(magazine) you have been teasing us with for almost a year!